Having so many different types of habitats, much of them covered by water, taking an airboat tour would definitely be the best way to experience the Everglades. The question is which is the better option for you, public or private airboat tours?
The Florida Everglades is a magnificent place that offers a chance to explore that can’t be found near the beaches of Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Being the largest subtropical ecosystem in the United States, it’s home to a great variety of native plants and wildlife. There may be zoos near the city where people can see exotic animals, but it’s far more exciting to view them in their natural habitat.
Public Airboat Tours
Public airboat tours are an affordable way to see the Everglades, because they usually include other activities with the admission price, like nature shows featuring Florida wildlife and, alligator wrestling. While offering a bigger bang for your buck, you may feel that you’ve traded a quality experience for quantity. Public airboat tours tend to run short, being only 30-45 minutes on average. Also, many public airboat tours are given on larger airboats which can’t move quickly, further limiting how far they can travel inside of an hour.

Another drawback from these higher-capacity boats is the overhead covering and lack of elevated seating can make it harder to see or photograph the wildlife or scenery.
Private Airboat Tours
Taking a private airboat tour is going to cost more money, but you’ll also receive more personal attention from your guide. Unlike the public rides, private tours typically last an hour or longer, and offer a better chance to learn plenty of valuable information about the Everglades from your tour guide.
And rather than seeing only a handful of Florida wildlife in a nature show, you’ll get to observe more species of wading birds, reptiles, and more in their natural environment. The longer duration of private tours will let you explore the many distinct habitats of the Everglades ecosystem.

What kind of airboat tour would you choose?

When visiting South Florida, there is plenty of adventure to be found west of the beach. All of the glow and noise of the coast is easily rivaled by venturing into the unique wilderness of the Everglades. If you’re looking to visit a one of a kind place, why settle for a “one size fits all” experience?
At Mack’s Fish Camp, we specialize in private airboat tours lasting from 1 to over 3 hours, with fifth-generation Florida Gladesmen as your guide. If you’re ready to trade the pre-packaged theme park experience for an authentic taste of Florida, come see us.